Blog: Your Opinion in Action: Omicron in America

January 18, 2022 | Browse more articles -->

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As the Omicron virus envelopes the United States, a survey conducted for American City Business Journals (ACBJ) finds a whopping one-in-six (17%) Americans say someone in their immediate family or circle of friends have contracted COVID in the past 10 days.

But as health officials sound alarm bells, a comparison of the results to an identical set of questions asked back in the first week of December as the Omicron virus was emerging reveals that, with just a couple of minor exceptions, Americans have hardly changed any of their attitudes and activities since. Here’s what we found:

  • A majority (55%/down 4 percentage points from 59%) are not concerned that they will contract the new Omicron COVID virus (45% are concerned/up 4 percentage points from 41%).
  • Two-thirds (65%/no change) agree that whatever this new COVID virus variant may be, the current vaccines or people's own immunity will protect them from what it could amount to (35% disagree /no change).
  • Half (50%/down one percentage point from 51%) say they are not worried about this new strain of the COVID virus and are just going about their life as usual in their community (50% disagree /up one percentage point from 49%).
  • A majority (56%/down seven percentage points from 63%) of Americans are not staying home more because of the new COVID variant virus compared to a sizable minority (44%/up seven percentage points from 37%) who report they are doing so.

People in the streets, wearing masks


For more detailed results and information on methodology, please see here.


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